Over the past decade, our family has identified some wonderful non-profit groups dedicated to improving the lives of people with disabilities, from a number of different perspectives. Starting at birth, there's the March of Dimes. They are committed to reducing premature births in the US and worldwide as quickly as possible. Easter Seals is another group with a long history of services, programs and lobbying for the rights of people with disabilities. Sign up to get on these organizations' email alerts and you'll be amazed at what you'll learn. Plus, they make it easy for you to stay active and advocate for your children via the worldwide web.
There are so many places that fight on our behalf at the state and federal level. And others who raise money for important grants to create local programs that improve the lives of our families and loved ones in our very own communities. Spend some time on the internet to learn more about what's available in your area and how you can help. It's really time well spent.