Happy 2012! With the start of the new year, I've committed to a variety of new things (please don't call them resolutions), including building this blog and creating a robust, supportive and informative (possibly informed?) virtual community through it, too.
I've had this delusional goal before, but life always seems to get in the way. Here I sit, though, on the second morning of the new year, really wanting to do this -- wanting it more than many of the things that I spend my day doing, and I do believe it will be time well spent. Interestingly, as I type this, our 15-year-old-son is completing his application to a summer conference in which he could learn more about self-advocacy and leadership. I think it's time for Mom to lead and self-advocate a little more, too. So...blogging it is.
My call for help is that I'd really love your advice and ideas on how to build readership, comments and general interest in this blog -- no idea is a bad one, I promise. What topics to cover? How much ranting is too much? Who else would you like to hear from? How can I make this vehicle most useful to other families and individuals?
Out with the old habits and in with the new. Posting every six months just isn't good enough. Life gets in the way, sure. But if that happens again, it's a sign I need to stop blogging, I think.
Won't you please start you new year off right and let me know your suggestions?
I'm not great at ideas like this! But - part of this depends on your audience.....is it to educated those who are unaware of the challenges folks like Andrew face? Or is it more of a community to support each those that face challenges similar to yours? For me, I like to learn about the challenges you face (not in a negative ranting way) so I better understand the needs for the laws, accommodations, etc. It gives me a much better understanding and deeper compassion for those with a variety of disabilities.... Just by way of example - I found it amazing what you go through to plan a vacation....and how difficult and almost impossible it can be for many families....
Anyhow - that's just feedback from someone that has learned so much from you guys and feel so lucky to have Andrew and the whole Burbank clan in their life to learn from.....
Happy New Year and congrats on the new you? :) I'm very excited for you and for all of us out here who get to read your blog. I'm thinking sort of Oprah'ish and things you know for sure. What worked/What didn't for all aspects of your lives. One per blog ... from school and IEP's to planning vacations and summer camps, etc. What's great about your school district? What's not? Friends/Relationships. Sleep Issues. Explaining to, dare I say educating, children and random ignorant adults how your child is no different than theirs/them. You get the idea?
About the Ranting.. that could be a feature of your blog! Maybe once a month (or more) you AND your readers could just shout out what they can't say to too many people. Ahhh .. the relief of just thinking about that.
Take a look at adoptivefamilies.com It's a simple magazine but I find it really helpful/useful information for us. Because luckily for us we are a specific needs AND an adoptive family. ;)
As far as increasing readership... Facebook is obviously a great media tool along with Twitter. You can reach out to other blogs and podcasts. I listen to a few parent podcasts and always like their guests and info about different aspects of parenting. It seems every family has some specific need for at least one child and I always learn something even if it's a new blog that works for my family! Finally if all your readers and friends are asked to share with two friends and they tell two friends and so on and so on ... (I can't be the only one who remembers that ad right?)
Forgive the run on thoughts, I'm not a writer but am searching for what you are trying to put out there ... so I figured I'd just throw my thoughts down.
Thx so much, Jyl and Judi. So much for me to think about. Really trying to wrap my mind around this and how to move this in the right direction. I have so many ideas, but need to streamline them a bit, I think. Really appreciate your support and feedback. Keep it coming. And tell two friends, please!
Post what is in your heart. I would love to hear about your personal journey - the trials - the triumphs - the 'aha' moments - the 'oh crap' moments - the 'you won't believe what just happened' moments, the heart-warming stories, the stories that give hope and even the stories that are heart-breaking that shine light on an ugly truth. It would be great to hear stories of your life as you travel along with your son. I enjoy hearing about what people think - their personal struggles, questions, aspirations, dreams for their children, things they have tried that might work for us. Stories from others give me inspiration, help me think through my own struggles, give me fresh ideas to pursue, give me hope, or just give me something to think about. Not sure about what will broaden your reader base.. But, for me, I like the personal journey stories best - straight from the heart.
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